
Their Story

Because of Shynie's shyness, not a lot is known about their origin, but there are rumors. Shynie looks oddly close to the star on top of the Mysterious Magic Marsh Mello's head. The same star that appeared out of nowhere and granted Marsh Mello their abilities in the first place. In addition, Shynie is known for shining so bright, you'd think they were made of pure magic. Perhaps...they are
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
Shynie:内向的明星 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
$8.50 USD
描述 他们确实是你见过的最耀眼的明星,但……这并不意味着他们喜欢聚光灯。Shynie 是一位非常内向的明星,因此,虽然他们很感激得到认可,但他们更愿意呆在自己的小圈子里。 细节 ✨透明、闪光背衬 ✨环氧树脂顶部/正面涂层,打造光滑的圆形设计和保护 ✨ 亚克力闪光背板带保护膜(可撕掉保护膜) ✨尺寸:2 1/2" x 1 1/2" ✨Gold Star Clip 钥匙扣附件   ♻️包装时考虑到了地球♻️ 采用可生物降解和可回收材料包装   请注意 ✨环氧丙烯酸钥匙扣正面只有环氧涂层,背面是透明丙烯酸。钥匙扣背面有一层保护膜,您可以根据需要将其取下 ✨由于屏幕显示差异,实际颜色可能略有不同
  • 完美的
  • B 级
  • Secure



✨Clear, Glitter Backing 
✨Epoxy top/front coating for smooth round design and protection 
✨Acrylic Glitter back covering with protection film (you can peel protection film off) 
✨Size: 2 1/2" x 1 1/2" 
✨Gold Star Clip Keychain attachment

packaged with the earth in mind

Packaged in biodegradable & recycled materials

please be advised

✨Epoxy acrylic keychains only have epoxy coating on the front while the back is clear acrylic. Back of the keychain has a protection film on it ;that you can take off if you wish 

 ✨Actual colors may vary slightly due to screen display differences


More of Shynie


Most of Shynie's favorite colors, then tend to keep a secret about, more because they're just too shy to be completely open. But here's everything we know so far. They love hues of yellow and the blues of the night sky. Could it be because of their origins?