
Their Story

Everyone who's met Demarcus knows not where he's really from but always knows where he's going. The truth is, Demarcus never slows down. One day the Create-O family saw his shiny shell beaming in the light as up the hill not far from where everyone lived, the sun striking rays against him. He wore his well known star shell then and greeted himself to everyone else. Talking about his travels and shells, not leaving a detail behind. His stories are always grand and capitivating. Before he leaves, he lets everyone know where he's going next so when he returns again, they are ready for his next set of stories!
成功的雪天 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
成功的雪天 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
成功的雪天 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
成功的雪天 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
成功的雪天 | 闪光环氧亚克力钥匙扣
$7.00 USD
描述 神秘魔法师马什·梅洛做到了!他们在冬季来临之际创造了一片完美的雪花!他们想向大家展示它。你会接受吗? 细节 ✨双面透明闪光环氧树脂 ✨ 背面和正面采用环氧涂层 ✨亚克力钥匙扣 ✨雪花吊饰尺寸:1.5 英寸 x 1,5 英寸 ✨Marsh Mello 饰品尺寸:2.5 英寸 x 1.5 英寸 ✨Gold Star Clip 钥匙扣附件   ♻️包装时考虑到了地球♻️ 采用可生物降解和可回收材料包装   请注意 ✨ 这款钥匙扣正面和背面均采用受保护的环氧涂层,这意味着它上面没有薄膜 ✨由于屏幕显示差异,实际颜色可能略有不同
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More of Demarcus the Snail


The best part about Demarcus is their willingness to travel! And so that speaks in their colors. Their favorite colors mimic the earth with hints of pink and whites to mimic the beautiful sky to inspire the move. Demarcus moves with the wind, so why not love colors that are airy as well!